
■ Press conference regarding academic studies on the relaxation-promoting effect of Aqua-Titanium

On January 23, at 1:30 in the afternoon, at the Seiren Alumni Hall of Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine (Japan), a press conference was held regarding academic studies on the relaxation-promoting effect of Aqua-Titanium.

Dr. Toshikazu Yoshikawa and Dr. Aoi Wataru from Kyoto Prefectural University discussed recently released study as well as answering questions regarding the same from the press. For a video of the press release, please see here.

(Please note, as there have been no edits made to the video, it is approximately 47 minutes, in Japanese only.)

The following articles have been published regarding this press conference:
January 24, 2013: Sankei Shimbun (In Japanese only)
January 25, 2013: Nikkan Kensetsu Kogyo Shimbun (In Japanese only)

Posted on 2013/03/07